Team Rush is fighting game designed with the new player in mind. Its simplicity and intuitive controls make it an excellent choice for both casual gamers and those new to the genre. The game features vibrant and charming visuals, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that enhances the overall gaming experience.

Players choose a predefined number of characters to form their team. Each character possesses unique abilities, moves, and attributes. Teams can be composed of characters with complementary skills, allowing players to strategize based on the strengths and weaknesses of their chosen fighters.

Each character contributes their unique skills and perspectives, making the game’s world more immersive and reflective of the real world’s diversity.

In a fighting game, voice acting plays a crucial role in building a connection between players and the characters they control. When done exceptionally well, it enriches the game’s narrative, elevates the gameplay experience, and contributes to the overall success and memorability of the title.

Team Rush at a Glance!

A Unique Platform Fighter

``I wanted to create a game that is sort of a mashup of different things that I like. A little bit of Smash Bros. along with some Beat Em Up mechanics and some Traditional Fighting Game fundamentals. My vision was to create something that wasn't too demanding when it comes to executing combos or doing special moves. It's my hope that the casual gamer can simply pick it up and have fun.``
- Albert Pierre, Developer

Game Dev Timeline

2023 will bring in a few new phases in the game’s development. I’m proud of the fact that I was able to get a PC demo out in April. It’s a  product that I hope people can enjoy while we work on finishing everything up. Next I want to focus on getting all characters’ in-game voices done. Their dialogue for the story is a bit more a complicated process so we are starting what they will sound like in battle first.  Also, the writing. We are going to make full use of Rebecca Lee’s voice as Aeva. The Main Menu audio is where her radio show is heard. The writer will focus on developing the scenarios that she talks about on her radio show. I’m excited to see what happens. – Albert Pierre (Developer)